The news this evening was truly heart breaking watching how people are being rescued from this devastating and destructive stourm. As I watched my mind wondered ... thinking what would i have done if I lived in Texas. There was enough warning, however, people were told to wait and a monitory evacuation was not ordered. As I watched I thought back to Hurricane Katrina when I was on a project in New Orleans in 2005 and the project was shut down, we all drove west toward Huston 4 lanes of traffic all in the westerly direction. So I had a little taste of it back then.
So to anwser my own curiosity to find out how many of our members are in harms way I checked our member listing.
There are 81 Texas Members (Full, Associate and Inactive as per our Member Listing) on our site.
24 Active Full Members, 34 Associate Members and 23 Inactive Members
2 of those Members are in the Corpus Christi, TX. area. 13 of those Members are in Huston, TX.
In addition there is Gus, he runs Beverly Hill Motors in Huston, TX. quite a few members have spoken well of Gus and his shop he has properly quite a few Pagoda’s in his shop. I wonder what he did to save some of the cars.
While we all hope that our Members are okay we also hope they were able to save there Pagoda from this devastating Hurricane Harvey as it made land on the Texas coast.
Based on the evening news I just watched it is not over yet. Let us hope everyone of our Members in Texas and members of there family are okay and made it to safety in time.
Perhaps our Texas Members that have been and still are in harms way can post here in this thread how they made out later when waters have receded. Our Canadian news reported this evening that 125 CM of rain has fallen (nearly 50 inches) and it is not over yet it is unsinkable what that is like.
BTW. If you donate, donate $ for they are needed to feed the hungry right now with warm food and drink. I always donate to the Salivation Army and or the Red Cross. Clothes and other stuff may be needed in a week or so, food right now is what is needed and shelter of course.