I came to the conclusion that most likely late cars might not have had this rubber "neck" around the shifter base, they might have had the vinyl tape or the upholstery material finish. This conclusion was based on some of the posts by fellow members, some pictures and also by a picture of original MB carpet bought by a member as a spare part. Quality of some of the finishing touches MB were applying was being value optimized over time... Also, as one elder gentleman who worked in MB those days told me: they fitted what they had at hand (almost).
Pawel, I am skeptical of your conclusion.
Do you still believe this?
Sales brouchures often had non-production items shown in photos due to lack of availability of some production intent parts when the photos needed to be taken. There are many examples of this, so this can be discounted.
What members claim they have original non-rubber automatic shift gate trim?
Badli? Badali, can you take a closer picture and post it. In that other string that is referenced here, Badali's looks like rubber to me. I've seen Badali's car in person. I wish I looked at it then.
What other members claim this?
Carpet pieces bought at a later date from MB, after production, can be discounted since post production "original" parts often are not identical to what was used in original production from '63 to '71.
What say you???