Hello all and many thanks for the responses.
Well in the end the car went to a specialist which given some issues that popped up, was the right thing to do.
When the bonnet was removed, the captive nuts inside the bonnet on the nears ide dropped from their cages which resulted in the bottom internal corner of the bonnet frame being cut off. The cages were then rebuilt and the nuts re-inserted before the bonnet was welded back together and painted internally. They did a very nice job.
The head was completely refurbished once off, the thermostat was replaced and a 123 Ignition distributor fitted. This is a Bluetooth item which allows for adjustment from the App, but more interestingly allows it to be switched off from my phone.
Anyway the car is running really well now and it's good to have it back given the current UK weather. I must put some photos up.
Auto box next so more questions for the experts.
Thanks again.