Advanced Finsihing Systems in Hayes, Virginia can do genuine cadmium plating. Most folks today want to use zinc. Zinc looks similar, but is thicker. This can cause problems when putting things back together. It clogs threads, etc. Cad holds up better also.
However, if you are trying to reproduce the same look and quality as the factory with cadmium, the surface must be carefully prepared. This may take just as much work as preparation for chrome, with the exception of filling in dents and dings. If the surface is brought back to the same appearance as original (i.e. bare new steel) the color and clarity will be the same as factory. If the surface is deteriorated, cadmium can come back from the plater looking rather ugly. I learned the hard way. Zinc seems to be more forgiving, but is brighter and more "colorful" than the original.
I use cadmium, but I do the prep work. Even then, it isn't cheap.
Advanced Finishing Systems can be reached at (804) 642-7669. Their address is 2954 George Washington Highway, Hayes, Virginia 23702. For reference Hayes is across the river from Yorktown, VA.
Vince Canepa
1967 250SL
568H Signal Red
116 Caviar MB-Tex