Lovely beast, that! Who is the coachbuilder, Pininfarina? How many gears on the column shift?
Driving a right hand drive sports car on this side of the pond has its moments. I have owned a number of right hand drive M.G.s over the years, and still have two of them. The most fun I have ever had in one have involved a RHD MGB roadster I have owned for over 40 years, 1) a dog, and 2) a police officer.
1) Watching the double takes as I drove, slouched down as far as I could, top down on the GW Parkway with my sister's HUGE brindle Great Dane sitting up tall in the passenger seat.
2) While taking my wife to the Metro one winter morning, being pulled over for going 27MPH in a 25 MPH School Zone. The officer walks up to my wife's side of the car, asks her for her drivers license and registration and proceeds to begin issuing a summons. When I lean over and interrupt to point out that he should be talking to me I am curtly told to "Keep out of this, sir, I'm dealing with the lady!" So I do, and we both appear in court on the appointed day. After Lucy plead "Not Guilty" the judged asked her why. She said, "Because I wasn't driving the car, and the officer refused to issue the ticket to my husband, who was behind the wheel!" Then she handed the clerk two photos of the RHD M.G., one with the top up and one with the top down. After summoning the officer to the bench, the judge dismissed the case.