Author Topic: Frigiking A/C templates Help Needed  (Read 4893 times)


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Frigiking A/C templates Help Needed
« on: February 03, 2019, 00:47:46 »
I have a Sanden compressor (on Joe's nifty sedan mount application) and a crossflow condenser up front.  Also have had a cockpit evaporator assembly for some time, during which I've upgraded the fan motor and had the evaporator prepped, to include fittings for 134.  However.... 

My copy of the Frigiking installation manual seems identical to the one in our Tech Manual, and they both refer to two templates, apparently included with the manuals at time of purchase/installation, for mounting the evaporator assembly in our 113s specifically.  These templates (&/or resulting bracket in one case) are even pictured on pages 10 & 11, in place in a 113 passenger footwell area.  But neither copy of the manuals contains or is accompanied by templates.

In an attempt to avoid untold hours of uncomfortable labor I would like very much to access the information these templates carry, in any usable form and on just about any terms.  Please.

There: I've thrown myself at your mercy.  Resulting copies will be posted to the wicki manual, as is only reasonable.  (Or you could just do it yourself; chances are very great that you're much better at it.)   ;o)

TIA all, and all good wishes well into Spring,

« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 22:06:54 by Garry »
1968/69 280SL, just+100k mi, manual 4, 3.46, both tops, 717/904