Furthermore ... the difference between a carb and injection head .... come on ....!
Just turn them around and look onto the top side (where there is the camshaft)...
The carb heads do not have the holes, the bores for the fuel injection nozzles ....
Yes, I have already asked that Q myself too...
Can I .....?
Obviously, you cannot "convert" a 280 carb head into 280 fuel injection head because the front section of the heads - there where the chain runs through - is different between carb and FI head - as indicated above.
But there are not only 280 owners here ... also 230 owners....
Since it is also very hard to find new (perfect) 230 heads,
I was already asking myself - can I "make" (fabricate, machine) a 220 SE head into a 230 head...
1) drilling out holes for the fuel injection nozzles - which the 220 SE head does not have
2) given the "assumption" that all holes for oil passages and water passages are comparable or could be adapted
3) give the "assumption" that the size of the 220 vs. 230 combustion chamber is roughly the same.
On the first glance they are but I did not do the exact calibration ("
auslitern" we say in German).
4) Biggest hurdle is the missing edge on the right side of the 220 head where the (new 230) valve cover seal is going to rest on - next to and around the FI nozzles.
This would need to be 'fabricated' by laser welding ....
And get that one then oil tight ...
When we are doing my next M127II engine (my engine overhauler & I) we will give it a look - just for academic reasons ...
Always like to learn .....
Wishing you all "no headache"....