I have fitted the box for the second time in the car and i was specifically focused about the horizontal adjustment of the Wheel ( ask me why….!!
) the problem is to push back the box toward the column without turning the Wheel .
I have fitted at the top of the column a piece of wood with 2 holes for the two horizontal bolts of the column and this piece of wood was tightened at each end at the two front seat bolts . So the Wheel and the column couldn't turn . after that i returned Under the car and push the steering box already aligned with the wheels straight.
I have tested the car on the road…. a lot of noise rumbling especialy when i turn completely right or left. The steering Wheel is also much hard than before . After some kms it seems to be better about the rumbling but it's still harder when i turn . I hope it will disapear tomorow, i saw there was still some oïl missing in the tank.
Tomorow is another day…. i am tired and my back is …...
Above the garage tonight after a full day of work
waiting for a new test
PS: Dr BENZ i am folishly fearless …!