Author Topic: On my way to PagodaFest From London, Ontario CANADA  (Read 12820 times)

Rolf-Dieter ✝︎

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Re: On my way to PagodaFest From London, Ontario CANADA
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2019, 17:06:22 »
Thank You all for the birthday wishes ... I made it safely back home final KM count of trip (including drive around in some of the major cities along Route 66) was 9,749 KM.

It was nice to see old Friends and make some new ones, this is after all what this is all about.

Jon and his dedicated PagodaFest Team, along with Technical presentations and Automotive sponsors put on a well organized and great show. We owe them all our thanks for for a memorable 2 days. ThankYou!


Most Enjoyable Time (besides the PagodaFest Event).

The hospitality of some of the AirBnB Hosts along the way. The one I stayed at in LA had a nice pool and I had the entire house for $100 Canadian per day for 3 days.

Most disappointing experience in LA

I lost my gas filler cup (forgot to tighten it and close the flap). Well I went to the LA Mercedes Dealership Downtown and purchased a replacement. Cost $59- US including Tax. I drove around to the service department and explained that since I lost my filler cap I have an engine warning light on that needs to be reset. The Service Manager advised that be $200-US I explained to him again all it needs is to be reset since now it does have a new filler cap in place. I just left in discuss and knew that in a short while the engine warning light would reset itself what indeed it did.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 17:25:15 by Rolf-Dieter »
DD 2011 SL 63 AMG and my 69 Pagoda 280 SL