Dan, I don't know if you read the technical page on their website I posted earlier. Here it is again.
https://norosion.com/tech_coolant.htm I think many folks use it with antifreeze, if I recall, the recommendation is to use as little antifreeze as possible to achieve the freeze protection you need. It is made to be used with antifreeze or reverse osmosis water.
When communicating with the owner, the subject of water wetter came up. He said, Google water wetter brown sludge. Some pretty scary stuff.
https://www.google.com/search?q=water+wetter+brown+slime&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS769US769&oq=water+w&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0j35i39j69i60l3.5328j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8I had a fair amount of communication with the owner, being circumspect of some "new, improved" coolant technology. I came to learn it's not new, not improved, it's been his business for 30 years and he, as a car buff, offers his technology and research in a product for car guys. Their website is their only "advertising." It's all word of mouth and not his bread and butter or even significant part of his business.
Coolant, like oil, like zddp, like gas is one of those areas where everyone has an a**hole, I mean opinion. I landed here because the owner was so forthcoming with information, testing data, research and willingness to answer my doubt. I just figured if companies with engines in the hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars are relying on him for coolant technology, then like Farmers Insurance, he may know a thing or two. So far, my experience has been good.
I did flush my systems with their flush product too, before filling with RO water and norosion. That's when I lost the water pump on the 113, but no issue with my two other vintage cars with coolant.