I'm holding my own. I'm very used to spending a lot of time alone and not having human contact for days on end. So I *think* I'll be able to handle the isolation. This situation has given me reason to think more about things I rarely, if ever, think about. For example, I had a very alarming thought the other day. I thought to myself, "if I died in my sleep tonight it would be one to two weeks before anyone found me or suspected something was wrong". So I guess that I, and others who are loners like I am, should start checking in with at least one person every day. I'm so disconnected that it was a week and a half before I knew that the time had changed, and a week before I knew anything about this illness. I have no cable, I don't watch or listen to news, and the local radio station I listen to doesn't air news of any kind. Even though I have internet I still don't open anything that airs news or headlines. So I'm thankful a close friend from San Diego reached out to me to check on me. He explained why he was checking up on me, and afterward I did my own research to bring myself up to speed/ Though, not all of my thoughts have been about me.
I've thought long and hard about others around the world who have not been fortunate. Even people my age and younger who were otherwise healthy individuals have succumbed to this horrible illness. That could be me or anyone I'm close to! It's hard to imagine something that can only be seen with a microscope can cause such mass death, and so quickly. I certainly respect the potency of this illness, as well as how easy it is to contract, but at the same time I try to keep a positive mindset......and I'm not going to lie.....it's a really hard balance to maintain.
I'm also sending warm thoughts to everyone's way. I'm hopeful that no one on this forum has been affected, directly or indirectly. However, if you have then know that you're in my thoughts. Please reach out of any of you need to! I'm certain that most of us on here are good for more than just car talk.