There is a possibility that your battery has 'expired' since, unless it is a deep-cycle one, it is not made to be fully discharged and sitting for an extended period without any charge can ruin it.
That said, you may be able to bring it back to life with the right charger. I would start with whatever charger you have, after disconnecting the immobilizer (however check the manual for that, if you have it someplace) so the battery is isolated from the car + immobilizer. If that does not produce result (in my experience, a battery may not respond to a charger if totally flat) then a special charger may be needed. I have had good results with my 80 Watt solar panel charger, that for some reason was able to resuccitate flat batteries that other chargers could not. Maybe you can take it to a garage to have them give it a try (although I might not take the additional risk that brings of getting infected).