I understand your question refers to A/C installation in a 250sl.
I'd like to suggest Classic Auto Air:
https://www.classicautoair.com/product-category/complete-ac-systems/european-ac-systems/mercedes-ac-systems/mercedes-benz-250-sl-lhd/A couple of years ago I bought a kit from Buds. It couldn't be installed then. It sat until I had the engine refurbished. We are working with the A/C installation now. The BudsBenz kit uses their own bracket that covers the water pump and presents clearance problems for other components like the thermostat cover and the bypass pipe. We (the mechanic and I) aren't quite sure what issues or adjusted hours Buds is working with right now, but we have not been able to get anyone on the phone and messages went unanswered. So, without any support for fitment issues forthcoming from Buds (the installation instructions are more like suggestions), I bought a bracket kit and compressor from Classic Auto Air. The bracket kit is a lot like the Mercedes sedan bracket plus other hardware such as a pulley. The pulley provided by Classic doesn't fit well with the balancer. The couple of millimeters difference means a lot for belt alignment. I anticipate we'll turn the pulley on a lathe locally to adjust the fit.
I still plan to use the blower and drier from the Buds kit. I hoped to use the compressor too, but the compressor Bud's shipped me is too long between the flanges. It's a 508 style compressor, but Classic uses a shorter SD7H13. So, that unit arrives Wednesday.
I don't predict an easy go for any A/C kit you choose, but from what I see from the two kits I have, the Classic Air kit seems better. I do prefer the blower from Buds. It angular shape doesn't match the interior styling, but I had mine covered with MB-Tex to match the interior, so there's that.
Better luck with your 250.