Hello everyone
On my 1971 280SL automatic, I have started to trace down what causes the sometimes hard down-shifts, I experience from time to time.
The first thing I checked was, if the modulation pressure solenoid on top of the automatic gearbox is activated by the venturi switch on the side of the throttle body. I did it like this:
1) Took out fuse 4 for the fuel pump to remove the annoying sound from that.
2) Put a voltage meter on the venturi switch and put on ignition. One terminal on the switch shows 12V all the time no matter how I move the throttle linkage, and the other terminal drops to zero, when I activate the throttle linkage. So it seems like it was alive!
3) Next I listened carefully, when first putting on ignition without moving the throttle linkage and in P, and I hear that the solenoid is clicking, and I assume it goes to the down position.
4) Next I listen again carefully, but now I move the throttle linkage slowly, and immediately after a few mm of movement, I hear the solenoid clicking again, and I assume it does to middle position.
5) Finally, I keep the throttle linkage at max. movement, and have a friend press on the kick-down switch under the accelerator pedal, and I hear again the solenoid clicking, and I assume it now is in the upper position.
(I know that there is a small hatch on the right side of the tunnel inside the car, but on my car sounds protection material has been heated over the hatch, and I would really like to avoid cutting this up to access the hatch.)
So, from this I assume that both the venturi switch, the modulation pressure solenoid on the automatic gearbox, as well as the kick-down switch are all working. Agree?
So far so good, but now comes the million dollar question: When I have the car in gear, the constant speed solenoid will push on the throttle linkage to get the idle up to the 7-800 RPM, where it should be. BUT that will also in my mind push the modulation pressure solenoid to the middle position, as only a few mm movement activates the venturi switch, and therefore at idle as well as in de-acceleration with the foot off the pedal, the modulation pressure solenoid will NOT be in the down position, where I assume it should be, in order to avoid the hard shifts, among other bad symptoms.
Am I right here, or have I misunderstood something?
If so, then I see only one solution and that is to adjust the venturi switch on the throttle body to first activate the modulation pressure solenoid later. But I cannot find any instructions about such an adjustment in the manual on our site.
Do anyone know how to do this?
I look forward to hear back from you.
