one remark about buying a digital vignette today or in the next days:
When you try to order one to will be asked if you are a "consumer" or a "company".
If your answer is "consumer" your first possible validity date starts in 18 days, means after our event. If your answer is "company" you can choose the right dates.
Why? See FAQ or ... "consumer rights"
"Why is the digital vignette valid from the 18th day after purchase at the earliest when purchased in the Webshop?
For consumers, the digital vignette or the digital section toll annual card cannot be used immediately after purchase. This also means, however, that you can edit your product before the start of the validity period without having to give any reasons (registration number, validity period).
This restriction does not apply to companies. The reason for this is that, according to the European Consumer Protection Directive, consumers have the right to withdraw from the online purchase of a product or service within 14 days. As this withdrawal is possible by e-mail and by post, a further three days are allowed for cancellation by post until arrival at ASFINAG."
That means if you choose "consumer" you have all rights but no posibilities and if you choose "company" you have no rights but all posibilties.