Author Topic: Pagoda World Winter 2005, Free Peek  (Read 3093 times)


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Pagoda World Winter 2005, Free Peek
« on: April 19, 2005, 02:31:44 »
Free Peek
Pagoda World, Winter 2005, Volume 5

Click the Download link below for a Full size view of the Cover and first pages of Pagoda World, Winter 2005(Volume V)

If you like what you see, you'll like the full paper version even better.
Every Full (paid) Member of the W113 Pagoda SL Group receives a copy of PW each quarter. Please consider Full Membership.

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The Pagoda World sample is in Adobe pdf format, a fairly large file. Please allow time for the file to download.

Pages can be reduced or enlarged for preferred viewing in Adobe Reader.
Click the Back Arrow button in Adobe Reader to return to this page.

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Download Attachment: PW5 Sample


  • Guest
Re: Pagoda World Winter 2005, Free Peek
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2005, 00:48:58 »
Hi, Am I on the list for a hardcopy of PW?  Thanx


  • Guest
Re: Pagoda World Winter 2005, Free Peek
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2005, 03:13:31 »

Our records show your copy went out already. I'll follow up with you via e-mail.

Douglas Kim
New York, NY
280 SL #016220