Hello -
As you know, our Section is hosting Gemutlichkeit this year in the metropolitan Detroit area June 25-28.
On (Saturday) May 7th, our Chief Judge, Pete Lesler, will be conducting a judging class. We are in need of additional judges, especially experienced ones. The class will be held at the Somerset Inn in Troy, MI from 9:00 a.m. until approximately 3:00 p.m.
There is no charge for the class, but you would be responsible for a room at the Somerset Inn if you were to spend the night.
Please email us, or call us if you are interested in signing up to be a judge. Also encourage the members of your Section to attend both the judging class and Gemutlichkeit. Gemutlichkeit registration packets will be ready in just a couple of days.
If you are already certified to judge, and interested in judging at Gemutlichkeit please contact us also.
Linda Mahac
International Stars Section
Phone: 586-754-2323
Email: keyunfrm@flash.net
Michael Salemi
1969 280SL
Signal Red w/Black Leather