Please order the Pagoda Book for me. Thank you, Evan Henderson I tried other ways to order and didn’t go through!
Evan, you've been taken care of. Your request for invoice came in this afternoon, and invoice was sent out.
While most people had no issue following the instructions, for some reason a number of members did. Curiously, a small number said they sent the invoice request (didn't get it here), and when I asked them to resend it, it came. With over 380 emails received and invoices sent out, and most of them paid, the process is clearly working. By having everything done in PayPal we allow "the system" to keep track of everything and also let us print out US Postage labels. Nothing can fall through the cracks this way; everything is organized and accounted for. There have been a very small number of problem cases and special attention was given to them.
There was an email blast sent out this afternoon which resulted in over
FIFTY additional orders. I just cleared those up moments ago, and all invoice requests have been fulfilled. Ones that come in tonight will be sent out in the morning. We've had orders from full members, from associate members and non members. Some non-members have joined and associate members have upped their membership to full. So, it's all working the way it's supposed to.
The gist of the email blast, and our constant reminders, is that
orders will be closed on April 30. If you don't order before then you likely will not be able to get a book. We've kept these posts active, We've had the ordering open for weeks now, and we've sent out email blasts. Clearly by the number of orders most are getting the message.
What we are saying is you can't decide in June you want a book. The project will be over and done with at that time.
For those who didn't see the first message, didn't get the email blasts, the ordering instructions are attached here AGAIN.