Author Topic: Correct Nardi HUB  (Read 2640 times)


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Correct Nardi HUB
« on: October 04, 2021, 17:18:37 »
I purchased a Nardi steering wheel and HUB from a W111 a few years ago hoping it would fit my 280. Looks great but I can't get it to slip over the spines. I tried pounding it on with my fist but did not try a rubber hammer as I am afraid I would damage the splines, and if I could force it on I would never be able to get it off.  I have no problem getting the original wheel on and off without a rubber hammer.

About a month ago I bought a HUB advertised specifically for a 280sl. Is is a 3320 but has the same problem. I can not attempt to get in on without pounding it hard enough to damage the splines. The seller never had it on his 280, rather he was told it was for a 280sl when he bought it. I see a precious post on our site about a member's HUB being 3202, however there are several 3320 hubs for sale on Ebay advertised as for a W113.

Is anyone familiar with this issue and what is the correct HUB? Could there possibly be different steering columns shafts requiring different HUBS? I have never heard that our standard steering wheels have differences other than the early and late style. I tired counting the splines on the column and the hub but my eyes and hand motion are not exact enough to get it right.

Thanks for any help.
John Krystowski
Avon Ohio
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Re: Correct Nardi HUB
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2021, 18:42:18 »
I bought a set the steering wheel+hub+button with star from a Nardi Austrian dealer. I wrote and email to Nardi requesting a dealer recommendation in Europe as the Polish one was not even worth time spent on writing "Dear Sir" .

There were 2 hubs for 280SL - one safe (collapsible) and one non-collapsible. I bought the safe one, harmonica looking like. Fits with no issues - the spline, the contacts, everything.

I will certainly look up the part number for you, but I will be home for the weekend.

Perhaps you should do the same thing: ask Nardi who is their authorised representative in the US and get the hub from them.

The funniest thing was that the new Nardi wheel was about half price of the second hand ones on ebay - in Europe and in the US. I do not understand why prices on ebay are so high.

280SL 1970 automatic 180G Silver
W128 220SE
W121 190SL


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Re: Correct Nardi HUB
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2021, 19:19:12 »
Here, I found my post with part numbers:

280SL 1970 automatic 180G Silver
W128 220SE
W121 190SL


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Re: Correct Nardi HUB
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2021, 22:06:15 »
Thanks Pawel. I can order new and maybe that is the correct way to go. However
I would like to know if the 3320 I bought does not fit any 280’s so I can return it. I am hoping someone here is familiar with the issue.
John Krystowski
Avon Ohio
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Re: Correct Nardi HUB
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2021, 13:41:00 »
I see. When I did my research on Nardi topic and when I tried to look it up for you now, I saw posts saying 3320 fits, I saw posts saying you need to adapt connector, I saw no mention about spline not fitting.

Maybe your spline on the shaft or in the hub is damaged a bit?

I also remember I saw a Nardi catalogue listing the car models and hubs PNs, but I cannot find it now, I do not remember where I saw it.

One of the ways to find out would be to ask a Nardi dealer. I see NardiUSA page not working, I do not know what is their representation, if any, in the US.

280SL 1970 automatic 180G Silver
W128 220SE
W121 190SL


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Re: Correct Nardi HUB
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2021, 02:42:46 »
That’s a good point Pawell. I will try and find a dealer and start there.

John Krystowski
Avon Ohio
1968 Euro 280sl under restoration
2016 Jag F-Type R sold june 2021
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2008 E350
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