Author Topic: W111 250SE Coupe rear seat upper removal  (Read 3597 times)


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W111 250SE Coupe rear seat upper removal
« on: June 12, 2022, 18:26:46 »
I think the W113 forum is an odd place for advice on W111 cars (I have one of each in any case), but....
So, how does the rear seat upper come out in a 1966 250SE Coupe.  The lower just lefts out, and the upper does not seem to be restrained at the bottom, but I can't see how to release the top edge.  There is a full width trim bit that looks like it is holding the top rear edge in place, but fasteners are not apparent.  I'd like to get a little more information before I get too aggressive in lifting and pulling. Guidance for other similar models is to release the bolts at the bottom and lift the top.  On this car there are no bolts at the bottom and the top doesn't want to lift.
Anyone have a notion of how to do this?
1969 280SL;  1971 280S;  1989 560SL;  1985 190E 2.3-16V
1993 500E  ;  1991 600SL; 1999 S600


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Re: W111 250SE Coupe rear seat upper removal
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2022, 18:52:21 »
Hi Niles,
Not really an odd place because 1) These cars are twins mechanically 2) Even though the trim is different, the techniques and methods are typically very similar 3) many here own 113 and 111 cars such as you. One stop shopping so to speak. We just are careful to add the W111 to the subject line so to make it obvious if the post is specific to the W111. Your seat back question is a good example.

There should be two 6mm nuts that are in the trunk that attach to studs on the back cushion frame and go through the back wall. See attached. Those secure the back cushion and think there is a stop of sort at the bottom for the back cushion that holds it vertically. But the two studs and nuts bolts are key to getting it out. The trim piece that along behind the cushion can then come out if desired.   
'68 280SE W111 coupe
'60 220SE W128 coupe
'70 Plymouth Roadrunner 440+6


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Re: W111 250SE Coupe rear seat upper removal
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2022, 14:21:44 »
Brilliant! One has to crawl into the trunk to see them initially, but once you know where they are it's easy.  Thanks.
I guess the engine is pretty much the same, I think they share the mechanical shop manual, but I didn't know that other mechanical systems are the same.  However the interior is where the similarity goes away. 
Have you done anything with the dash?  I found a few references to wood removal, but none that are particularly comprehensive.  I can see the "blue nuts" retaining the lower windshield bits and the screws on the A post/upper trim components, I understand that the mirror is a spring loaded breakaway so a well placed blade should release it and allow access to the retaining plate.  So that takes care of the windshield surround.
My experience in such things is that once the first bits come off, the path to the rest becomes apparent, but an instruction like "remove the padded dash" is at this point not particularly helpful. do you know of a reference that provides better guidance?
1969 280SL;  1971 280S;  1989 560SL;  1985 190E 2.3-16V
1993 500E  ;  1991 600SL; 1999 S600