Hi Francois -
I think I remember your car having a manual transmission? If so re-coring the radiator is pretty straightforward as there is no transmission cooler involved.
The standard radiator has a two-row core. You should be able to get a good radiator shop to re-core your existing radiator with a 3-row core for added capacity.
Since you have a lift, it is easier to drop the radiator out from underneath.
Sounds like you are getting closer to returning your Pagoda to the road. Our best to you and Patricia!
Hi Mike
It's been almost 1 year or so that we've been drinking champagne together at my house ! good memories !
My radiator has already been refurbished and a small leak cured. Apparently it's not the original one (a date from 20XX was stamped on it) but I couldn't figure out wheither it has 2 or 3 row core, I guess it's 3 but I'll chek it out...
My pagoda is far from being back again on the road...
1st I had a lot of Porsche and Harley's works to do, finished now
2nd As I'm progressing, I always find new stuff to adress, thninking that... "I couldn't leave it like this". Last thing I did was to plug some holes made on the chassis long time ago to put a trailer hook (!), as I removed the gas tank...
3rd since couple of weeks each week end (my main spare time) we have a very high temperatures that makes work into the garage simply impossible... we had up to 44deg For example I want to apply epoxy paint under the trunk before refixing the gas tank, but it has to be below 30 deg to make it properly. This morning it was already 26 à 7.30am