As we all do, I buy parts (original and reproduction) from the very respected available vendors we have access to.
I purchased a set of four rubber pieces for the front and rear bumper guards on my 1968 280SL, some time in the middle of 2021. I'm only just now needing them (got my bumpers fixed and rechromed).
My current rubber pieces have gone very dry and brittle, so need new ones.
However, the new rubber pieces just aren't the correct size. The arch isn't long enough, and the arch is too thick, and the insert grommets are slughtly a different shape. They just dont sit properly...really at the bumper guards Ive got.
Anyone else run in to this?
I have done extensive research over the past few days, looking for other rubber guards. And where I can find them, I've done the photo-versus-photo comparisons.
What I'm thinking of doing is taking a rubber bumper I already have, and sending it to a 3D rubber printing firm: they'll 3D scan it, and then 3D print new rubber pieces (black color, and an appropriate type of TPU). I would be willing then to share that information with everyone here. I'll pay for the scanning, so anyone else can just order a part if they want.
However, I'm asking you all first if you've run in to this problem too. It's completely possible it's my guards and rubber, and you all are just fine.
Thanks for any feedback.