Hello, A new member here, looking to purchase his first Pagoda. I have the Data card and understand most of the codes. How do I determine what the original color of the soft-top was. The car currently has a replacement top which is Parchment. I am hoping the original was dark brown. Also what are the codes on the second row of the card?
Thank You,
Hello, everything you need to know is in the technical manual, above left. This is not just technical information, but fixtures and fittings, upholstery, paint colours, etc etc. Have a look at data cards, paint and body plate, recommended colour combinations, soft top colours, you'll discover a lot which will help with your search
The "5" at the end of line 2 on the body and paint plate means that this car wasn't actually ordered with a soft top, just a hard top, so one was added later
Good luck with your purchase, let us know how it goes