Wow. It sure sounds as though you have a heat seized engine or one where something has broken and there is mechanical interference. I expect the head is on the engine? A broken and captured timing chain could be a possibility. Normally, I would advise against using that kind of brute force because if indeed something is bound up, you risk damaging parts that are otherwise undamaged. If a reasonable force is applied in both directions (just to see if it will turn a little bit in the CCW direction) without result, you know something is wrong and a teardown is going to be required.
Regardless, I would begin taking the engine apart - especially remove the head. This would provide a great visual indicator of what the problem might be. That just leaves the block/crank (assuming you also remove the FIP). With the engine out of the car, it's relatively easy to flip it over and remove the oil pan, then open up the crankshaft bearings and see what they look like. It doesn't sound good, though.
Keep us posted.