on the Internet you can find the following about the colors of radiator antifreeze:
"Radiator antifreeze is available in red, blue, green, yellow-orange and other colors. These colors are an indication of the ingredients, of the type of antifreeze. However, there are no binding rules as to how radiator antifreeze must be colored by the manufacturer. For example, there is also white radiator antifreeze.
Three different technologies are currently used for antifreeze. Radiator antifreeze is divided into OAT, Si-OAT and hybrid radiator antifreeze.
OAT radiator antifreeze is silicate-free and usually reddish in color. These antifreezes are for vehicles with an aluminum engine or radiator.
Si-OAT radiator antifreeze contains silicates and is blue or bluish-violet in color like Mannol antifreeze AG11. The antifreezes combine the advantages of silicate-containing and silicate-free radiator antifreeze. Volkswagen Group vehicle brands are filled with this type of radiator antifreeze.
Hybrid radiator antifreeze is usually offered in a yellow or orange color. Hybrid radiator antifreeze contains silicate. Mercedes and BMW use this type of radiator antifreeze for the initial filling."
I currently use Ravenol Alu-KühlerFrostschutz G11 and it is yellow, slightly greenish.