Can't say much about the seller, but these replacement bumpers are fairly common on fleabay. I bought a front set from someone else for about $350 (seemed like a great price for my daily driver). I haven't gotten around to installing it yet, so I can't say very much about fit. The finish is different from the original. The chrome is not excellent, but it looks very good indeed... (certainly not show quality). The sharp edges on the back of the bumper are a bit thicker than the original, and some edges still show evidence of machining. The centre-piece (joining the two) is fairly cheap material, but one can't tell from a distance.
I'd say the price is right for a daily driver. I plan to re-chrome my original and store it away, using this one to take the brunt of those ding-prone parallel park-ers I seem to attract in droves.
Now if only someone would start making comparably cheap imitations of the rear bumpers and my life would be complete....
WAQAS in Austin, Texas