Hello all. Well, tuesday I was hit by a 21 year old driver of a 2008 toyota. It was not my fault and there wa nothing I could do to stop it...if there was any rust on my floor boards I would have found out--that's how hard I hit my breaks. We were going about 40 miles per hour. The damage is to my left, drivers side. The damage is on the fender, the bumper, the fog lights and the headlight. The hood is o.k. and although I don't know for sure until I take it in to the mercedes shop, I think the frame and everything is o.k. The problem is the other insurance company want to TOTAL my car--I have never been in an accident before. Does anyone have information to offer? I called an attorney, and he said, "you should know how much your car is worth" but I really don't. All I know is that it is european, has a very early vin number for 1963. She still runs good, was not in museum shape before the accident, has 57,0000 Kil and I really like it. Any advise you have, especially those in California would be helpful. I called the Museum in Irvine, but they said they don't do "collision" work...would you consider this to be collision work or restoration work?
thanks marti