Very interesting: I took the speed-relay out, inspected it and put it back in. It worked just fine – once. I rigged a test lamp per the book and it came on when I coasted. It only comes on when the transmission has shifted into 3rd or 4th. And then it quit working. It’s the speed-relay; all other switches work just fine. I can tell by connecting a test lamp directly to the speed-relay and running the engine: Over 1200 RPM it comes on, under 1200 RPM it goes out. Just like the book says it should. I took it out again and inspected it again. Found nothing. Put it back in and it worked fine. Went for a half hour test drive and it worked the whole time. It even comes on when I coast to a stop sign. There is no popping in the exhaust at all when it works. Car runs very nice. There has to be an improvement in gas milage when it works. But I can’t re-create the failure and I don’t know why it works now. It probably will quit again. Help! Also, I must correct my earlier post: The control board (circuit-board) is solid state but it controls a mechanical relay, all inside the housing. And yes, I have inspected the relay for operation and inspected the points. The unit gets it's signal from the "1" terminal of the coil. It's a chopped signal and when it becomes faster, the relay closes. If someone has a wiring diagram of the circuit board, it would help a lot. As of now I suspect heating to cause the failure, maybe a cold solder joint? On my second trial, I ran with the cover removed.