Author Topic: 280sl Heatercore/evaporator ?  (Read 6551 times)

Tom Zelinsky

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280sl Heatercore/evaporator ?
« on: November 16, 2008, 22:24:41 »
Good day to all,
I have heard that a heatercore/evaorator from a 80s 190 will fit in place of a 69 280sl heater core with little modification can anyone shed any light on this for me? Thanks, Tom Zelinsky


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Re: 280sl Heatercore/evaporator ?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 20:47:23 »
Hi Tom,
I'm in the midst of doing the retrofit of a complete heaterbox with the A/C core inside into the 230SL of mine.
It's a tight fit, but doable.
The aluminum input and output lines are not in the same location as the original core and the lines are on the sides rather than on the top of the original core.
Hope this helps.
1967 220SL-diesel