Main.TrailIndexPage | About Membership of the Group
As the Pagoda SL Group aims to share knowledge and information on Mercedes Benz SL automobiles, particularly the W 113 chassis cars including the 230 SL, 250 SL, and 280 SL models produced from 1963 to 1971 we have made membership of this group as easy as possible.
Everyone, whether you own a car or not, can become an Associate member of our group by Registering at our Forums. As an Associate member you can take part in our active Forum community and access most of the information on this site.
We currently have close to 2700 Members with about a 50/50 split between Full Members and active Associate Members (although they tend to come and go). We are the largest international community of Pagoda owners, and have good relationships with other Mercedes Benz clubs, such as the German Pagodentreff forum and the Pagoda SL Group.
However, running a site like this costs real money. The software we use is all free, public domain software. The effort involved in setting it up and maintaining it is done free of charge. No volunteers or directors are paid, but hosting costs money.
Hence we have created a Full Membership, which costs a nominal annual fee to join. As a Full Member you receive additional benefits over and above an Associate membership: the Pagoda World magazine, the Pagoda Notes newsletter, and full access to the Technical Manual.
Additionally you have the satisfaction of knowing that you pay towards keeping this community live...
Vendor Policy
Our forum and website is, as you are able to see, and advertising free zone. Yet we appreciate the contributions vendors can make because of the knowledge and access to parts they have. Our vendor policy is as follows:
- Full-membership is not required for vendors to participate in the forums as individuals, providing they do not solicit sales of products or services.
- Vendors who wish to advertise their products and/or services in our forum, are required to register as a Full members. At that time, our web-admin will identify them as a 'vendor' so that their role is clear to all other forum members.
- Overt advertisement (starting a new thread) is to be restricted to the 'commercial advertising' section. Only vendors can start a new thread in that section, all other members can respond
Full Membership (Recommended)
Full access to information
Annual Dues $30
Full Membership Benefits include ALL Associate Member Benefits PLUS:
- Free subscription to the Magazine “Pagoda World”. Click on the link for a free sample issue.
- Sortable INDEX for Pagoda World available in our Tecknical Manual
- Free subscription to the Newsletter “Pagoda Notes” with articles composed from Forum threads of interest. Click on the link for a free sample issue. Note: Pagoda Notes is distributed electronically, and members can print out their own copy. If you are a full member, you can find all the issues of Pagoda Notes here.
- Sortable INDEX for Pagoda Notes available in our Tecknical Manual
- Access to the Full Membership sections of the web site and all the content, including Restricted pages of the Technical Manual
- Priority for Pagoda SL Group sponsored functions and gatherings
- Contribute to the W113 Pagoda Technical Manual.
- Discount on purchase of Repro and hard-to-get W113 items
- Access to local W113 Group Regional Representatives
- Club Windshield decal
- Your Membership will not be removed due to temporary inactivity
- Knowing that you contribute to paying the hosting costs of this invaluable resource for Pagoda owners...
Send questions and comments to:
Associate Membership
Limited access to information
Annual Dues... Free
Associate Membership Benefits include:
- Access to the forums of, the exciting and comprehensive Pagoda SL Website with a wealth of technical information
- Belong to the most vibrant, active and helpful Pagoda community on the web
- Message Exchange for W113 technical and car related information
- Events Calendar for W113 car shows, tech sessions, and more
- Purchase newly reproduced and hard-to-get W113 items and parts (announced on the forum)
- Post For Sale and Looking to Buy notices in the largest community of Pagoda owners outside of Germany
- Read limited sections of the W113 Pagoda Technical Manual.
To become a Free Associate Member, Register for the Message Forums. All registered users of the Message Forums of this site are free Associate Members.
Quick guide to joining as Full Member
This is the quick guide to joining as a Full Member.
- First - if you are not yet an Associate Member - please first register on the forum
- After you have activated your Membership, or if you already have an Associate Membership, log in on the forum

- Once you're logged in, go to your Profile tab
- On the menu line you'll see a menu with Full Member Actions. Here you can select (depending on if you are already a member), either:
- Once you are in this process the system will collect the required information and offer you the Paypal option -also for credit cards without a PayPal account.
- If you pay with PayPal your membership is typically activated immediately. You can access all of the website and back issues of Pagoda Notes.

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