Main.TrailIndexPage | Documentation
This chapter defines the key documents that are used in producing the Technical Manual.
Key Literature
- Big Blue Book
- Haynes Manual
- Owner Manual or Operating Instructions
- Parts Catalog or Parts Diagrams
- Spare Parts List Illustrated Spare Parts Diagrams with Parts Numbers
- Technical Data Booklet Contains the most important technical data and adjustment values of Mercedes passenger cars during the indicated time period
- W113 Model data
Online links to German versions
Here you can find a lot of information with online readable books, in German: The BBB and spare parts lists are among them.
We are assuming that VDH (as officially recognised Mercedes Benz club) has obtained permission from Daimler AG to publish these handbooks.
Update: 16 feb 2020. Yes they have. However, people have found ways to download these service manuals as PDF's for commercial distribution, which was against the agreement between VDH and Daimler AG. As a result these flipbooks have been taken off-line for now, and may in future only be accessible to registered members.
Update: Oct. 2020. Registered users can access the flipbooks again if they have applied to join the "Flipbook Lexikon" in their user profile (control center).
- 1.) Register and Log-in
- 2.) Open control center
- 3.) Go to "Benutzergruppen" - user groups and join "Flipbook-Lexikon"
- 4.) If your joining is accepted you can access the flipbooks

Other literature
Some fantastic sales literature for all MB models
Prices are rough estimates. Popular sources for out of print titles are Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Ebay. By clicking on the picture you will be taken to Amazon to see if they have the book in stock, and what current prices for these books might be. If you buy it through our site, Pagoda SL Group -- as an Amazon Associate -- get a referral fee which we use towards funding this web-site. Support us, and buy through this site.
All books are listed in random order.
The Original Mercedes SL.
The Restorer's Guide to 300SL, 190SL, and 230/250/280 SL Models to 1971.
Laurence Meredith
This glossy picture book has nice shots of some elegant cars. Not always accurate in datails but still a pretty addition to a library. 112 pages, includes tables of running production changes, paint and interior scheme codes.
Mercedes-Benz SL (Color Sports Car History)
John Heilig
Photos and text about SL's from the 300 SL to SL600 and the SLK. 128 pages, 12 pages exclusively about W 113 cars.
The Star and the Laurel
Beverly Rae Kimes
Large, heavy book covering the entire history of the company from the humble tinkering of Gottlieb Daimler and Otto Benz to the post war recovery and beyond; racing; personalities. Commissioned by Mercedes-Benz to celebrate its Centennial. Many historic photos. 368 pages. $20 used. (Out of print)
Mercedes-Benz Illustrated Buyers Guide
Frank Barrett
Basic information useful to buyers and collectors of Mercedes cars. Hints on what to look for, what to avoid. Compares various models, notes some problems in design or condition. 208 pages, table of engine and chassis code numbers by model and year. Several editions. $18
The SL Experience
John R. Olson, Editor
Covers five decades of SL cars. Emphasizes marketing aspects for collectors. Articles by various authors relating to collecting, purchase, racing, road rallyes, and more. Tables, color photos, hard cover. 368 pages. Price $65.
Mercedes-Benz 190 - 280 SL, Vom Barock zur Pagode
Günter Engelen
Perhaps the most accurate and comprehensive book on the subject. Includes detailed history of the planning and development of the SL cars; extracts from company memos and papers, photos of early design ideas, and more. Comprehensive tables of specifications, data codes, running production changes, paint and interior schemes, more. GERMAN LANGUAGE ONLY. 280 pages. Euros 45.
Mercedes-Benz, Production Models, 1946-1975
Robert Nitske
Photos and production figures, and specifications of just about every Mercedes produced from 1946 to 1995. (An older edition covered models up to 1975.) Includes tables of production details. (Both editions are out of print)
Mercedes-Benz since 1945. Volume 2: The 1960's
James Taylor
A three volume set. Volume 1: The 1940's and 1950's; Volume 2: The 1960's; Volume 3: The 1970's. Volume 2 covers the W 113 Pagodas as well as the 600 and other Mercedes of the 1960's. Information such as options, production figures, buying tips, and more. About 150 pages, Motorbooks International. About $25 each volume.
Mercedes SL Series, The Complete Story
Brian Laban
Review of the development and history of the Mercedes SL cars and their historic predecessors including the SSK of the 1920's and 30's; the 300 SL, 190 SL, and the W 113 and R 107 Cars. Illustrations (cars are mostly RHD). Does not cover technical details, options, color codes in any depth; 190 pages, Crownwood Press, 1992.
Brooklands Gold Portfolio
Brooklands Books
Collection of reprints of 53 articles from Road & Track, Car & Driver, and several other auto magazines which appeared from 1963 to 1983. (Earlier edition is: Brookland's Mercedes 230/250/280 SL, 1963-1971. 29 articles, 1963 to 1977, 100 pages.) Most articles are reviews or road test results; some compare performance, handling, finish to other contemporary cars; some performance and test result tables. Nice to know the impression these cars made in their own time. 174 pages, black and white.
Mercedes-Benz Roadsters, 230, 250, 280, 350, 450 SL & SLC
LJK Setright
A modest volume setting out the beginnings and a short history of the cars and why they are unique. Chapters on Antecedents, Swing Axle, S Luxury, SLC. Hard cover, Black & White with a few color plates. 135 pages. (Original edition out of print, soft cover reprint available with name: "Mercedes_Benz SL & SLC")
Hemmings' Collector-Car Almanac
Hemmings Motor News
A big reference of auto suppliers, restorers, specialty shops. Arranged by marque and by type of service and item. Annual editions. Soft cover, over 600 pages. From the publisher of the monthly Hemmings Motor News. About $14

Faszination SL W113
Daimler Chrysler Corporate Archives
A Mercedes publication of the history and glamour of the W 113 roadsters, many vintage photos from the DC archives, includes copies of some historic documents and drawings. Text by Günter Engelen. English and German. Hard cover, thin volume, glossy paper, color photos; unusual 9" x 12" format (22 cm x 32 cm). 70 pages. Published 2003. Was available at the 2003 Essen show, may not be in regular distribution. About $15.

Carrosserie Passion - Paul Bracq
John Paul Thevenet
Beautiful book dedicated to the automobile art of Paul Bracq, the W 113 designer. In French with full color drawings, large format; hard cover. 260 pages. Editions d'Art J.P. Barthelemy, published in Limited Edition of 3,000 numbered copies.
Great Marques, Mercedes-Benz
Roger Bell, Foreword by Juan Manual Fangio
One in the series of Great Marques books, hard cover history of selected stylish Mercedes cars, some racing history; W 113's mentioned with photo; on glossy paper, color photos. 96 pages, coffee table size. Published 1980 by Octopus Books Ltd (UK).
Chilton's Repair & Tune-Up Guide Mercedes-Benz
Chilton Book Company
Both a practical guide and a collectible, this hard cover volume covers specifications, troubleshhooting, maintenance of about 25 models including the 230/250/280 SL's; 7-color peek through pages show "X-Ray" views of a typical engine. 282 pages. Published 1970. Long out of print. Available used, some in worn condition; also 1994 soft cover reprint.

Mercedes Enthusiast
Sundial Magazines, Ltd (UK)
Monthly magazine available on newstands and by subscription. The first newsstand publication devoted entirely to Mercedes cars and their owners. Mercedes Enthusiast website.

Mercedes SL
Marco Batazzi, edited by Giorgi Nada
Hard cover Italian language book dedicated to the MB SL's from the 300 SL Gullwing to the R129 series, including 40 pages on the W 113 cars. 163 pages.

Das Grosse Mercedes-SL-Buch
Dieter Günter, Johannes Hübner
Large format, covers all MB SL's from the 300 SL Gullwing to the R129. Color and B/W. 186 pages. Soft cover. German language.

Revue Technique Automobile, Mercedes-Benz 230 SL-250 S-250 SE-250 SL
Workshop manual, with service advice. Soft cover, 106 pages, Black and White. Language: French.
Essential Mercedes SL, 190SL & Pagoda Models.
Laurence Meredith
Photos, including some historic archive photos, text about the heritage and development of the two SL chassis covered. "Pagoda" in the title and in the book refers to W 113 models. Does not cover R 107 cars. 80 pages. Priced at $20.

Mercedes-Benz R107 & W 113 Series
Compiled by Colin Pitt
Compilation of road tests, articles, and ads of W 113 and R107 cars; eleven articles about W 113, and sixteen about the R107 series. Black and White, 100 pages. Soft cover. Transport Source Books Ltd.

Mercedes-Benz Roadsters und Cabriolets, 1949-1989
Schrader Motor Chronik
Compilation of photos, brochures, vintage ads. Color and black and white. Hard cover, German language. 182 pages. Price $20
Mercedes-Benz SL (Sports Car Color History)
Laurence Meredith
Photos and text about Mercedes SL's from the earlier pure sports cars to the 300 SL and others.

In Pursuit of Excellence: The Story of Mercedes-Benz
DVD format
History of Mercedes Benz. Features Gullwings, Mercedes 600, Archives, Museum, Silver Arrows. DVD 92 minutes, English. Published 2004. Price $20
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