Main.TrailIndexPage | Premium Content | Logo and other useful downloads
Logos and other useful downloads
Cards for the Pagoda SL Group
Print out these cards and cut them along the lines provided, and leave them at car shows or cars and coffee with Pagoda's you see parked.
Logos of the Group
The official colour blue in the logo is Pantone Matching System (PMS 293).
Attach:PagodaGroupLogo.eps | Encapsulated Postscript file for use on posters, banners, desktop publishing
Pagoda Group Logo, PNG file, 250x250 size for use on web-pages
Pagoda Group Logo, PNG file, 3000x3000 size for use in presentations, documents and printing
Pagoda Group Logo, jpg file, 969x969 size
Old logo, for historical purposes
Old Pagoda Group Logo, jpg file, 1800x1800 size
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