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Emergency Contact List
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The Emergency Contact List (ECL) is a service for Full Members only. It is a PDF list of members which you can download from this site, print as a booklet, and take with you on your travels with your Pagoda. These members are prepared to help you if you have trouble, or an emergency (even though some members indicate to just get in touch when you are in the area, regardless). The original thread where this was discussed is here:
Great to have with you when you are travelling with your Pagoda, e.g. to the next PagodaFest or the European Event.
The ECL only lists your country, state and city, and telephone number and e-mail. So not your full address. People will not be able to tell where your Precious Pagoda is parked!

GDPR, privacy proof
The Emergency Contact List has been developed with the privacy requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations in mind.
- you need to explicitly allow us to share private information such as your telephone number and your e-mail address
- as soon as you end your (Full) membership of the Pagoda SL Group, your details will be removed from all future downloads of the ECL
- you can sign out anytime, by removing the ECL tick in your Forum Profile
- some people have indicated that they find this mechanism of signing up not so straightforward, but we need to implement it this way in order to meet the GDPR requirements
Can I provide help?
You do not need to be a mechanic, or have a fully stocked garage, in order to put yourself on the ECL. Think about it. If you are travelling with your Pagoda, in another state or another country, and you have a problem, what do you need? You need someone who can tell you where to get help, quickly. Where to get that spare part to get you going. Who is the trusted mechanic in the area? Sure, if you have a lift, tools, and a stock of spare parts you might be able to help. But knowing who to call, provide a safe parking space, and a drink and consolation is just as important.
And, if you are in a different country, your ECL contact will speak the local language, knows your car better than someone who has never set eyes on a Pagoda, and can help out.
So do not think you cannot provide help. Put yourself on the list.
Where can I download the ECL?
You can download the ECL, once you have put yourself on it, using the menu system: Members / Emergency Contact List
. Remember, if you are not on the ECL, you cannot download it. Once we have reached sufficient coverage around the world we may allow all Full Members to use it, but not right now.

The Memberlist
Also note, when you access the site from a mobile phone, this menu item becomes an icon (without submenus). So download and print an up-to-date ECL from your PC before you travel. Alternatively, rotate your telephone to landscape and if it has sufficient resolution the menu becomes visible again.
How to sign up
You sign-up by going to Profile, Forum Profile

There you tick the checkmark to explicitly agree to be on the ECL. Secondly, you add your telephone number (in international format), e.g. +1 123 568-2345. We recommend adding a mobile phone number. Do check your telephone number carefully, as we cannot verify that you've entered it correctly.
In the field Help offered
you can optionally enter the kind of help you can provide.

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